Fort Worth Aluminum Foundry, Inc. is a
Custom Manufacturer of Large & Small Aluminum Sand Castings
Using a No Bake Foundry & Green Sand Foundry
About Fort Worth Aluminum Foundry, Inc.
Fort Worth Aluminum Foundry, Inc. was started by Stanley Bass, Sr. in 1972 with only one customer and has been owned and operated by the Bass family ever since. The years have certainly been interesting. Through the booms and busts in the 1980’s to the recovery in the 90’s, to the tragedy of September 11, Fort Worth Aluminum Foundry continues to strive to maintain quality castings and excellent customer service.
As business grew, changes were made to the foundry. The no bake foundry was started in a separate building in 1988 giving them the capability of producing larger castings. The green sand foundry has been completely updated, with an automatic molding machine to compliment the squeezers, floor molding, and rotolift operations. Castings from prototype to high production and castings from ounces to 1000 pounds can be made in the same facility.
None of the improvements and continued business of over 30 years could have occurred without our customers’ loyal support. On behalf of all of us at Fort Worth Aluminum Foundry, thank you for your past business and we look forward to serving your needs in the future.
Foundry Community
We have always been and continue to remain highly involved with the foundry community. Serving on board of directors and as members of various societies, providing leadership as well as receiving valuable technical training which enables us to operate FWAF more efficiently.
We have received many awards and honors:
Stanley Bass
Former Chairman, AFS Texas Chapter (American Foundry Society)
Former Chairman, North Texas Chapter ASM (American Society for Metals)
Board of Directors, AFS
Keating Founders’ Freedom Award
AFS Service Citation
Texas Chapter AFS Memorial Award
Award of Excellence, TCMA (Texas Cast Metals Association)
Stan Bass
Past President, Non Ferrous Founders Society
Past Chariman, Texas Cast Metals Association
Brian Bass
Past Chairman, Texas Chapter American Foundry Society